Convergence issue of gradient descent
- The divergence function minimized is only a proxy for classification error(like Softmax)
- Minimizing divergence may not minimize classification error
- Does not separate the points even though the points are linearly separable
- This is because the separating solution is not a feasible optimum for the loss function
- Compare to perceptron
- Perceptron rule has low bias(makes no errors if possible)
- But high variance(swings wildly in response to small changes to input)
- Backprop is minimally changed by new training instances
- Prefers consistency over perfection(which is good)
Minimize E=21aw2+bw+c
- Gradient descent with fixed step size η to estimate scalar parameter w
- Using Taylor expansion
- So we can get the optimum step size ηopt=E′′(w(k))−1
- For η<ηopt the algorithm will converge monotonically
- For 2ηopt>η>ηopt, we have oscillating convergence
- For η>2ηopt, we get divergence
- For generic differentiable convex objectives
- also can use Taylor expansion to estimate
- Using Newton's method
- Quadratic convex function
- We can optimize each coordinate independently
- Like η1,opt=a11−1, η2,opt=a22−1
- But Optimal learning rate is different for the different coordinates
- If updating gradient descent for entire vector, need to satisfy
- This, however, makes the learning very slow if miniηi,optmaxiηi,opt is large
- Solution: Normalize the objective to have identical eccentricity in all directions
- Then all of them will have identical optimal learning rates
- Easier to find a working learning rate
- Target
- So let w=Sw, and S=A0.5, b^=A−0.5b ,w=A0.5w
- Gradient descent rule
So we just need to caculate A−1, and the step size of each direction is all the same(1)
For generic differentiable multivariate convex functions
Also use Taylor expansion
We get the normalized update rule
Use quadratic approximations to get the maximum
- For complex models such as neural networks, with a very large number of parameters, the Hessian is extremely difficult to compute
- For non-convex functions, the Hessian may not be positive semi-definite, in which case the algorithm can diverge
Learning rate
- For complex models such as neural networks the loss function is often not convex
- η>2ηopt can actually help escape local optima
- However always having η>2ηopt will ensure that you never ever actually find a solution
- Using Decaying learning rate